Boyes Turner’s brain injury lawyers secured an admission of liability (fault) in a medical negligence claim for a three-year-old boy with cerebral palsy. The parents of the boy had asked us to investigate whether a delayed diagnosis of pneumococcal meningitis in hospital had led to their son’s brain injury and disability from cerebral palsy. We investigated the treatment that the child had received. We put our client’s claim for compensation to the defendant hospital on the basis that their negligent delay in diagnosis of his infection had led to a delay in treating him with antibiotics, ultimately resulting in the injury to his brain. The hospital admitted that their care of our client had been negligent and had caused our client’s injury. They also accepted that if his pneumococcal meningitis infection had been diagnosed, he would have been treated earlier, avoiding brain damage. Following the hospital’s admission of liability, we are now able to secure interim (advance) payments to meet our client’s immediate needs, whilst we work towards settlement of the claim. If you have suffered a serious injury or disability as a result of medical negligence and would like to find out more about making a claim, you can talk to one of our specialist solicitors, free and confidentially, by contacting us here.