Laura acted for Fred who contacted her following his diagnosis of Mesothelioma earlier this year. Diagnosis Fred first became unwell with extreme breathlessness in the autumn of 2019. He was subsequently diagnosed with the asbestos related cancer Mesothelioma and underwent an operation at Guy's Hospital. He had previously been fit and well before the onset of Mesothelioma. Exposure to asbestos He was a welder by trade and came into contact with asbestos with two companies. As part of his job, he went into roofs altering pipe works which had been lagged with asbestos. He removed asbestos with a hacksaw and pulling it off by hand. He also was required to remove asbestos lagging from boilers and pipework in boiler rooms. He further worked with asbestos flues and was in the vicinity of laggers who were mixing up asbestos powder with water and applying it to pipes. Mesothelioma compensation claim It was really important to Fred to have a swift resolution to his claim. It was uncertain what the future would hold for Fred and at the time of writing, he had not embarked upon chemotherapy as he was doing very well after the previous surgery. It was also important to Fred to safeguard the future possibility of treatment that may not be available on the NHS such as immunotherapy. Laura met with Fred and his wife on several occasions and issued proceedings at the High Court to expedite Fred's case. Laura was able to negotiate a settlement at full value within ten months of first instruction and the defendants have agreed to fund any future treatment that Fred may require that is not available on the NHS (if necessary).