Our asbestos claims team were instructed by Mr N to investigate a claim for diffuse pleural thickening following his exposure to asbestos whilst employed as a television engineer. Mr N was diagnosed with diffuse pleural thickening after suffering symptoms of increasing breathlessness. Mr N gave evidence to Boyes Turner, expert Industrial Disease lawyers, that he was exposed to asbestos whilst employed as a television engineer for a number of different companies. He was involved in working with components within televisions that contained asbestos. Boyes Turner Claims compensation lawyers obtained a medical report on Mr N’s condition from an expert in asbestos related diseases. The expert concluded that Mr N suffered with a 50% respiratory disability of which 25% was as a result of his asbestos related diffuse pleural thickening. Mr N also has a risk of contracting further asbestos related lung diseases including mesothelioma and asbestos related lung cancer. Boyes Turner, expert asbestos claims lawyers settled Mr N’s claim against one of the Defendants located. A majority of the former employers of Mr N were dissolved and despite investigations, insurers could only be located for one employment period. However, Mr N has settled his claim against the traced insurer on a provisional damages basis. Should Mr N have a significant deterioration in his condition, or should he develop asbestosis, mesothelioma or asbestos related lung cancer then he has the right to return to court for further damages.