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Senior Paralegal
As a Senior Paralegal in Boyes Turner’s highly respected Court of Protection team, Anne has specialised in helping clients with the legal and practical requirements of Court of Protection deputyship for over 15 years.
Anne’s expertise includes:
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Families facing the daunting process of applying to the Court of Protection to obtain Deputyship for a relative who has lost mental capacity could not receive better advice and support
As a senior manager in Boyes Turner’s highly respected Court of Protection team, Anne has specialised in helping clients with the legal and practical requirements of Court of Protection deputyship for over 15 years.
Severely injured clients and their families can depend on Anne’s wealth of experience and expertise, and her pragmatic and practical approach to sorting out their problems, to see them through all aspects of their relationship with the Court of Protection, from initial application for deputyship to statutory wills.
Anne enjoys the range and diversity of her work and the close relationships she builds with her clients, their families and a variety of professionals. No two days are the same. Each client has their own needs. She finds this practical yet deeply personal work interesting, challenging and immensely rewarding – a character trait that reflects her nursing background.
Anne’s work can involve supporting her clients and their families through family proceedings or the buying, selling and adapting of their home – events that can be stressful for anybody even without the added administration and complexity that accompanies mental incapacity and liaison with the Court of Protection. However, unlike many areas of legal work, her involvement is not a one-off event in the client’s life. Anne’s clients also benefit from her help with the day-to-day management of their money, and her support in employing and managing their carers, liaising with multi-disciplinary professionals and long term financial planning and investments.
In her spare time, you’ll find Anne in the kitchen, baking. Her speciality is cake for family celebrations – the perfect complement to her other favourite pastime, spending time with, and spoiling, her grandchildren. Outdoors, she’ll be walking her two elderly dogs.