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Boyes Turner’s medical negligence lawyers secured a £125,000 settlement for a university student who suffered pain and reduced function in his non-dominant hand as a result of a surgical injury.

Our client suffered a fracture to his right (non-dominant) hand in a fall. He was admitted to hospital and had surgery to carry out an open reduction and internal fixation of the right metacarpal shaft (bone within the hand). He was discharged from hospital and later attended for physiotherapy, following which he was referred for tests to assess the nerve function in his hand.  It was then confirmed that during the surgery his ulnar nerve had been completely severed at the level of his palm.

He underwent a further operation. This required a graft from his leg. He developed an infection in the donor site and needed three further operations to improve the function and appearance of the hand. He also needed pain management treatment to reduce his chronic pain. Our client also had to change university court because he was unable to continue his studies to become a physiotherapist owing to  the physical limitations he now suffered with his hand.

We pursued our client’s claim against the hospital, which admitted liability a few months after proceedings were issued. The claim concluded with an out-of-court settlement for our client of £125,000.

If you have suffered a serious injury or disability as a result of medical negligence and would like to find out more about making a claim, you can talk to one of our specialist solicitors, free and confidentially, by contacting us here.