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Written on 17th August 2021 by Ruth Meyer

After delays caused by planning issues things are now moving along well and you can see from the photos the progress made to Belle’s house. You may recall that this house is being adapted for a child with significant disabilities and we are trying to make sure it will offer her space, comfort and meet her needs.

The architect has kept the family and myself updated as Belle’s Deputy as communication is key.

We hope to get the work completed by the end of November and it does seem a rather large task especially as the lead in time for materials may cause some delay.

However all of the ground works are being completed as well as the block and beam floor.  External walls are going up as well as the stud partition walls. 

I recently visited and was very impressed with what had been done so far and despite the carving out of the ground for the swim system there still remains a sizeable back garden.

From the picture you can get a real sense of size of the project.  Someone has likened it to a “Community Hall” but we do need enough space for Belle to comfortably move around in her wheelchair as well as store all of her equipment and make space for the rest of the family. 

Next update to follow shortly….