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Rated Excellent

Personal Injury & Medical Negligence Solicitors

Working with you... every step of the way

Boyes Turner’s claims teams are nationally recognised for their handling of complex and substantial cases. Our highly specialised team of expert solicitors are the only firm in the region to be continuously ranked for a decade as outstanding.

We pride ourselves on achieving the best possible results for our clients with a combination of legal and medical expertise and practical advice. We understand that each client has different needs and we offer an individual and caring service. Read more

Client Story

Watch video Kevin had diabetes and a history of foot problems, including reduced sensation (neuropathy) and ulceration. This meant that he was at increased risk of losing his feet from complications of minor injury. His amputation followed multiple missed opportunities by practitioners at his GP surgery and a hospital radiology (x-ray) department to refer him for specialist foot care and to diagnose his condition.

Kevin Ridsdale amputation claim

Kevin’s claim included compensation for his pain and suffering, partial loss of earnings, extra care, increased accommodation costs, equipment and therapies. Prior to settlement interim payments paid for bespoke prosthetic limbs, including a water activity limb enabling him to return to his former hobby of kayaking.

“I couldn’t have wished for a better partner”

"The journey with Julie was interesting! The team that was assembled certainly knew their stuff which meant I got all the necessary support to keep going. Thank you all.”
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Awards & accreditations

Our medical negligence and personal injury teams have been nationally recognised for over 20 years because of their expertise, empathy and commitment to securing maximum compensation for our clients.

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What our clients say

"Boyes Turner were professional, helpful and responsive"

Boyes Turner were professional, helpful and responsive in all of my dealings with them. They kept me informed throughout the entire process and gave me sound advice when required. I would recommend Boyes Turner to anyone who requires legal advice in the field of medical negligence. I was happy with my settlement and I am grateful for their work to achieve the end result

Boyes Turner client

"Having never taken legal action before..."

Having never taken legal action before, I found Boyes Turner very helpful and diligent during my injury claim. When I moved to the USA during the case, they were still able to answer all of my concerns and keep me informed, giving me advice every step of the way. I would recommend Boyes Turner to anyone who is considering representation

Boyes Turner client
Rated Excellent 4.8/5