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Written by Ruth Meyer

James* is a 14 year old child from Northern Ireland and, due to injuries at birth, James now has moderate dyskinetic cerebral palsy and was awarded a settlement of £1.2 million. 

Despite a physical disability, James has maintained his mental capacity and a private trust was set up to manage his award. The trustees are Ruth Meyer, a partner in Boyes Turner, and his parents.

The trust benefits James as we have been able to pay for additional tuition so that he can keep up with his peers in his mainstream school as well as a holiday to help the family adjust after the case settled. Adaptations have also been made to the family home.  Funds have been invested for James' future and are closely monitored. The first trustee meeting was held by skype but the next one will be in Northern Ireland with the fund manager.

With all of these cases, it is about building up a good relationship with the client and their family so that in future years they can reap the benefit of our advice and support.