Boyes Turner’s cycling accident claims lawyers have secured a £217,500 settlement for a cyclist who was knocked off his bicycle by the defendant driver’s van as it joined a roundabout. Our client suffered a skull fracture, head injury with residual cognitive problems, maxillofacial injuries, scarring, injuries to his hip, knee, neck and back, and a psychological injury. Liability for the accident was admitted. We secured interim payments of £30,000 plus Rehabilitation Code funding from the defendant driver’s insurers to pay for an immediate needs assessment (INA) by a case manager. Acting on the case manager’s recommendations, we worked collaboratively with the defendant’s insurer to ensure that our client had access to rehabilitation, including physiotherapy and psychological support, to maximise his recovery. Our client was in his fifties and working as a precision engineer at the time of the accident. Following his initial physical recovery injury, he struggled to cope with the demands of his work and running his business. On advice from an occupational psychologist and business consultant, we were able to support him through the financial, legal, and practical aspects of winding up his business, to reduce his financial losses, whilst managing his psychological condition. This will allow him to undergo vocational rehabilitation and find more suitable work at a level that he can manage more comfortably with his ongoing disability. Following negotiation, an agreed settlement was reached of £217,500.