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Written on 1st May 2018 by Claire Roantree

Recently, one of our personal injury team, asked the following question on Linkedin:

“Should cycle helmets be a legal requirement on UK roads for safety purposes?”

We were surprised at the reaction this question received.

  • The post was viewed 15,350 times in just 7 days, suggesting that the issue of cycle safety and brain injury prevention is important to a large sector of the population, whether cyclists or not.
  • The post received 137 comments:
    • Of those comments:
      • 17 people replied ‘yes’
      • 13 people replied ‘no’

The remaining comments were not ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers, but were people giving their views on the subject, many of whom described their own accident experiences when they were or were not wearing a helmet.

Of the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers provided, it can be seen that more of those who answered the survey question (56.66%) are in favour of cycle helmets being a mandatory requirement, but not by much. As personal injury lawyers we were surprised by the response and expected the ‘yes’ votes to be higher.

Why should cycle helmets be a legal requirement?

Boyes Turner’s personal injury team act for many cyclists who are knocked off their bicycles by other vehicles on the roads, or who suffer injury due to a poorly maintained road. We regularly help injured cyclists who are suffering from:

  • brain injuries
  • hearing loss/tinnitus
  • loss of vision
  • facial injuries
  • skull fractures
  • extensive scarring

Many of these injuries can be avoided or, their severity reduced, if a cycle helmet is worn. 

Above is a picture of a damaged cycle helmet following an accident. It is scary to think what condition the wearer’s skull and brain may have been in had they not been wearing a helmet at the time of this accident.

Whilst the Highway Code (Rule 59) does not mandate that a cycle helmet is worn, (it simply states you ‘should’ wear one), Boyes Turner believes that this doesn't go far enough. Our experience confirms our belief that it makes sense to wear one. 

Boyes Turner’s injury lawyers also believe that it is good practice to educate children about the benefits of wearing a cycle helmet and the risks of not doing so. If children are taught this important lesson from a young age they are much more likely to continue wearing a cycle helmet for the rest of their cycling lives.

Boyes Turner supports Cycle-Smart Foundation, a local Reading charity who campaign for safer cycling particularly amongst younger children.

If you or someone you know has been seriously injured following a cycling accident please contact us on 0118 952 7137 or email for a free no obligation advice on pursuing a personal injury claim.