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Personal injury claims
Medical negligence claims
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Court of Protection
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Your injury
Your injury
Brain injury
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Brain injury
Anaesthetic brain injury
Birth injury
Brain injury from medical negligence
Cerebral palsy
Neonatal brain injury
Traumatic brain injury from accidents
Valproate injury
Spinal injury
Choose from
Spinal injury
Cauda equina syndrome (CES)
Spinal cord injury
Traumatic spinal injury from accidents
Childbirth or Neonatal Injury
Injury to babies
Cerebral palsy
Erb’s palsy/brachial plexus injury
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) brain injury
Impacted fetal head birth injury
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Neonatal brain injury
Twin and multiple pregnancy birth injury
Valproate injury
Injury to mother
Injury to babies
Cerebral palsy
Erb’s palsy/brachial plexus injury
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) brain injury
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Twin and multiple pregnancy birth injury
Valproate injury
Injury to mother
Anaesthetic awareness
Maternal death
Birth trauma claims
PTSD & psychological injury
Choose from
Amputation after traumatic injury
Amputation from medical negligence
Diabetes and Charcot foot
Peripheral ischaemia/ deep vein thrombosis
Choose from
Amputation from medical negligence
Group B streptococcus (GBS)
Neonatal infection
Peripheral ischaemia
Pressure sores
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Asbestos related cancer
Cancer negligence & misdiagnosis
Major Trauma & Fatal Injury
Major trauma
Amputation after traumatic injury
Brain & head injury
Burns and scalds claims
CRPS & chronic pain
Fatal accidents
Major trauma & multiple injuries
PTSD and psychological
Traumatic spinal injury from accidents
Fatal injury
Major trauma
Amputation after traumatic injury
Brain & head injury
Burns and scalds claims
CRPS & chronic pain
Fatal accidents
Major trauma & multiple injuries
PTSD and psychological
Traumatic spinal injury from accidents
Fatal injury
Fatal accidents
Fatal asbestos related injuries
Fatal medical negligence
Medical negligence
Medical negligence
Types of claims
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Types of claims
Accident and emergency (A&E) negligence claims
Hospital negligence claims
Anaesthetic negligence claims
International claims
Blindness and ophthalmology negligence
NHS negligence claims
Cancer negligence
Birth trauma claims
Fatal medical negligence
Surgical/surgery negligence claims
GP negligence claims
Valproate claims
Your injury
Choose from
Your injury
Amputation negligence
Kernicterus brain injury
Birth injury claims
Maternal death
Blindness and ophthalmology claims
Meningitis negligence
Brain injury claims
Neonatal brain injury
Cauda equina syndrome
Peripheral ischaemia
Cerebral palsy
Pressure sore
Erb's palsy
Fatal negligence
Sepsis negligence
Group B Strep (GBS) claims
Spinal cord injury
Cardiac negligence
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
ASD/ADHD birth injury
Medical negligence claims process
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Medical negligence claims process
Funding for medical negligence claims
Making a medical negligence claim
Managing your compensation
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What are medical negligence claims?
Medical negligence FAQs
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What to do if contacted by HSIB or NHS
Why choose our medical negligence solicitors
Personal injury
Personal injury
Types of claims
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Types of claims
Accidents abroad
Criminal injury compensation (CICA)
Accidents at work
Defective product claims
Accidents in schools
Falling accident claims
Asbestos related claims
Fatal accident claims
Children’s and teenagers’ accidents
Road traffic accident (RTA) injury claims
Sports and leisure injury
Your injury
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Your injury
Amputation claims
Injury from falls
Brain injury
Burns and scalds claims
Major trauma
CRPS and chronic pain
PTSD claims
Criminal injury
Spinal injury
Fatal claims
Personal injury claims process
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Personal injury claims process
Funding for personal injury claims
Managing your compensation
Our commitment to rehabilitation
Previous cases
What are personal injury claims?
What is contributory negligence?
Rehabilitation in serious injury claims
Why choose our personal injury solicitors
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Asbestos disease
Asbestos disease
Asbestos compensation after death
Asbestos related lung cancer
Asbestosis claim
Pleural thickening
Hospice claims
Court of Protection
Court of Protection
Make an application
Personal injury trusts
Statutory wills
Community care
Choose from
Birth injury
Cerebral palsy
Erb's palsy
Group B Strep (GBS)
HIE brain injury
Impacted fetal head birth injury
Neonatal (newborn) claims
Twins and multiple pregnancy birth injury
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Children’s and teenagers' accidents
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Accidents at school, on school trips, at college or during child-care
Teenager’s accidents
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Accidents at school, on school trips, at college
Special education needs
Making a claim
Making a claim
Funding your claim
International compensation claims
Make a medical negligence claim
Make a personal injury claim
Make an asbestos claim
Managing compensation
Rehabilitation in serious injury claims
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Search Keywords
Choose from:
Your injury
Brain injury
Choose from
Brain injury
Anaesthetic brain injury
Birth injury
Brain injury from medical negligence
Cerebral palsy
Neonatal brain injury
Traumatic brain injury from accidents
Valproate injury
Spinal injury
Choose from
Spinal injury
Cauda equina syndrome (CES)
Spinal cord injury
Traumatic spinal injury from accidents
Childbirth or Neonatal Injury
Injury to babies
Cerebral palsy
Erb’s palsy/brachial plexus injury
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) brain injury
Impacted fetal head birth injury
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Neonatal brain injury
Twin and multiple pregnancy birth injury
Valproate injury
Injury to mother
Injury to babies
Cerebral palsy
Erb’s palsy/brachial plexus injury
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) brain injury
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Twin and multiple pregnancy birth injury
Valproate injury
Injury to mother
Anaesthetic awareness
Maternal death
Birth trauma claims
PTSD & psychological injury
Choose from
Amputation after traumatic injury
Amputation from medical negligence
Diabetes and Charcot foot
Peripheral ischaemia/ deep vein thrombosis
Choose from
Amputation from medical negligence
Group B streptococcus (GBS)
Neonatal infection
Peripheral ischaemia
Pressure sores
Choose from
Asbestos related cancer
Cancer negligence & misdiagnosis
Major Trauma & Fatal Injury
Major trauma
Amputation after traumatic injury
Brain & head injury
Burns and scalds claims
CRPS & chronic pain
Fatal accidents
Major trauma & multiple injuries
PTSD and psychological
Traumatic spinal injury from accidents
Fatal injury
Major trauma
Amputation after traumatic injury
Brain & head injury
Burns and scalds claims
CRPS & chronic pain
Fatal accidents
Major trauma & multiple injuries
PTSD and psychological
Traumatic spinal injury from accidents
Fatal injury
Fatal accidents
Fatal asbestos related injuries
Fatal medical negligence
Choose from:
Medical negligence
Types of claims
Choose from
Types of claims
Accident and emergency (A&E) negligence claims
Hospital negligence claims
Anaesthetic negligence claims
International claims
Blindness and ophthalmology negligence
NHS negligence claims
Cancer negligence
Birth trauma claims
Fatal medical negligence
Surgical/surgery negligence claims
GP negligence claims
Valproate claims
Your injury
Choose from
Your injury
Amputation negligence
Kernicterus brain injury
Birth injury claims
Maternal death
Blindness and ophthalmology claims
Meningitis negligence
Brain injury claims
Neonatal brain injury
Cauda equina syndrome
Peripheral ischaemia
Cerebral palsy
Pressure sore
Erb's palsy
Fatal negligence
Sepsis negligence
Group B Strep (GBS) claims
Spinal cord injury
Cardiac negligence
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
ASD/ADHD birth injury
Medical negligence claims process
Choose from
Medical negligence claims process
Funding for medical negligence claims
Making a medical negligence claim
Managing your compensation
Previous cases
What are medical negligence claims?
Medical negligence FAQs
Previous cases
What to do if contacted by HSIB or NHS
Why choose our medical negligence solicitors
Choose from:
Personal injury
Types of claims
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Types of claims
Accidents abroad
Criminal injury compensation (CICA)
Accidents at work
Defective product claims
Accidents in schools
Falling accident claims
Asbestos related claims
Fatal accident claims
Children’s and teenagers’ accidents
Road traffic accident (RTA) injury claims
Sports and leisure injury
Your injury
Choose from
Your injury
Amputation claims
Injury from falls
Brain injury
Burns and scalds claims
Major trauma
CRPS and chronic pain
PTSD claims
Criminal injury
Spinal injury
Fatal claims
Personal injury claims process
Choose from
Personal injury claims process
Funding for personal injury claims
Managing your compensation
Our commitment to rehabilitation
Previous cases
What are personal injury claims?
What is contributory negligence?
Rehabilitation in serious injury claims
Why choose our personal injury solicitors
Previous cases
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Asbestos disease
Asbestos compensation after death
Asbestos related lung cancer
Asbestosis claim
Pleural thickening
Hospice claims
Choose from:
Court of Protection
Make an application
Personal injury trusts
Statutory wills
Community care
Choose from:
Choose from
Birth injury
Cerebral palsy
Erb's palsy
Group B Strep (GBS)
HIE brain injury
Impacted fetal head birth injury
Neonatal (newborn) claims
Twins and multiple pregnancy birth injury
Choose from
Children’s and teenagers' accidents
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Accidents at school, on school trips, at college or during child-care
Teenager’s accidents
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Accidents at school, on school trips, at college
Special education needs
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Making a claim
Funding your claim
International compensation claims
Make a medical negligence claim
Make a personal injury claim
Make an asbestos claim
Managing compensation
Rehabilitation in serious injury claims
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Medical Negligence
Court of Protection
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Jul 2024
Conductive education with the Rainbow Centre
Apr 2023
What is a Case Manager? Interview with Amy Iddon
Jun 2022
Being a dementia friend, how you can help
Jun 2021
Court of Protection in focus – Property adaptations
Jun 2021
Court of Protection in focus – Mental Capacity
Apr 2021
Court of Protection in focus - Best Interests
Apr 2021
Court of Protection in focus - The role of the deputy
Apr 2021
Court of Protection in Focus