Our client, Mr G, developed asbestos related pleural thickening as a result of exposure to asbestos during his employment with J Lyons & Company Limited. Mr G provided evidence that he was exposed to asbestos during his employment with the defendant, J Lyons & Company Limited, from 1960 until 1973/74. Mr G was employed to undertake work as a pipe fitter, working at a number of J Lyons & Company Limited’s properties. Mr G undertook work in and around asbestos lagging and therefore was exposed to asbestos dust during the course of his employment. A number of years after his retirement Mr G fell ill and was diagnosed with diffuse pleural thickening. A claim was made against J Lyons & Company Limited and settlement has now been agreed in the sum of £33,000 on a provisional damages basis. The settlement of the claim on a provisional damages basis means that if Mr G goes on to develop a further more serious asbestos related condition such as mesothelioma, asbestos related lung cancer or asbestosis, he can return to the defendant for further consideration of his claim.