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Boyes Turner’s cyclist injury lawyers secured a settlement for a cyclist who suffered multiple fractures when he was hit by a car which failed to give way to him at a roundabout. The defendant’s vehicle initially stopped but then pulled out into the roundabout, striking the side of our client’s bike.  Our client was knocked off his bike and fell, hitting his shoulder and head on the ground.

He was taken by ambulance to hospital where x-rays revealed multiple fractures to his collarbone. He needed surgery to fit a plate to his collarbone and ongoing physiotherapy. He suffered ongoing pain, discomfort and sleep disturbance. The plate was surgically removed at a later date as it restricted the mobility of his shoulder and prevented him fulfilling his role as a member of the Territorial Army and Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal Engineers. The surgery was successful in improving some aspects of his quality of life. He will continue to suffer from minor disability and limitations of function. He is at risk of degenerative change and might need further surgery.

Our client was self-employed and suffered a loss of his earnings following the accident, as a result of his inability to fulfil his former contractual obligations. A negotiated out of court settlement was agreed.