Boyes Turner’s expert mesothelioma asbestos claims team were instructed by Sidney* following his diagnosis of mesothelioma. Sidney was diagnosed with mesothelioma in June 2022 following symptoms of increasing breathlessness. Sidney is undergoing dual immunotherapy as first line treatment with Ipilimumab and Nivolumab under the NHS. Sidney’s settlement includes provision for future private mesothelioma treatment, together with settlement for all the other heads of damages of approximately £167,000. Sidney was exposed to asbestos when working as an apprentice rigger and then a rigger. Sidney worked for Babcock & Wilcox Limited between 1968/69 until around 1994/95 with a short break in between. Sidney was predominantly based at Didcot Power Station where he recalls the majority of his exposure to asbestos. Sidney worked alongside laggers mixing asbestos lagging and applying it. This was during the construction of the power station. He then continued to be exposed to asbestos through maintenance. Sidney suffered several side effects from immunotherapy treatment including a rash which was treated with steroids, antihistamines and an emollient. He has suffered with panic attacks because of his mesothelioma and associated treatment. Sidney’s mesothelioma diagnosis has had a significant impact on his life and day-to-day living. Sidney receives care from his children and has a very supportive family network. Sidney’s settlement will enable him to put in place a care package and leave open the opportunity for future private mesothelioma treatment as his current NHS treatment is only set to last for two years. anonymised for client confidentiality* For more information about how the mesothelioma and asbestos disease claims team can help you or your loved ones after a diagnosis of an asbestos related disease, please contact the team by email on or by telephone on 0118 952 7199.