Our client instructed our expert pleural thickening claims lawyers following the sad death of his father. Prior to his death Mr S had undergone a biopsy and had fluid drained from his lungs. He also suffered with breathlessness and required care and assistance. Mr S worked for his grandfather’s firm B E Shepherdson, which later became E Shepherdson Esq, from approximately 1952 until 1971 as an apprentice bricklayer and then a bricklayer. During this time Mr S was exposed to asbestos dust when working alongside joiners cutting asbestos boards and whilst cutting asbestos boards himself. He worked for a small company and would regularly help out the other tradesmen. He was also exposed to asbestos when removing asbestos lagging from old boilers. Expert medical evidence on Mr S’ asbestos related diffuse pleural thickening was obtained and it concluded that Mr S had suffered with a 15% respiratory disability due to asbestos related pleural thickening prior to his death. Boyes Turner expert pleural thickening claims lawyers located the employers’ liability insurers for 17% of Mr S’ time with his grandfather’s company and his claim was concluded for £5,000.