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Written on 26th March 2020

Boyes Turner LLP were instructed by Mr B* following his diagnosis of mesothelioma arising from his exposure to asbestos. 

Mr B trained as a bricklayer in the mid 1950’s and went on to work for a large building firm for more than 30 years. In the course of his employment Mr B would build brick walls from the floor up to a lintel. Often there was a gap between the top line of bricks and the lintel and Mr B’s employer instructed him to snap pieces of asbestos board across his knee and wedge them into the gap. This use of asbestos exposed Mr B to harmful asbestos fibres.

Boyes Turner specialist, industrial disease solicitors attended Mr B and took a detailed statement from him regarding his asbestos exposure history.Whilst investigating his potential legal claim, Boyes Turner advised Mr B that he was eligible for government benefits and assisted him in his application for Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit and a lump sum payment under the Pneumoconiosis (etc) (Workers Compensation) Act 1979.

Our investigations revealed that Mr B’s previous employer was no longer trading and had no employers liability insurance. As there was no defendant or insurer against whom a legal claim could be made, we helped Mr B to submit a claim to the Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS). The DMPS is a government scheme which was set up in 2014 to compensate mesothelioma victims where there is no other paymaster to pursue.

The DMPS confirmed that Mr B was entitled to a payment under the terms of the scheme and awarded him the sum of £142,079. Mr B was delighted that his claim was settled during his life time as it gave him closure and peace of mind in the knowledge that his wife would be financially catered for on his passing.

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or any other asbestos related disease, we may be able to help. Contact us on 0800 884 0718 or email for a free initial discussion.

*Client name changed for anonymity