Boyes Turner’s medical negligence lawyers secured a £500,000 compensation settlement for a woman whose bowel was injured as a result of negligent surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. During the operation she suffered various injuries including a perforated bowel. Her surgical injuries were initially undetected. She developed septicaemia and, after further delays in diagnosing her condition, she underwent further surgery. She was left with a colostomy, which was later reversed. Our client’s condition continued to deteriorate. She developed bowel obstruction, infection and a fistula and needed an extended 11 month stay in hospital during which she couldn’t eat and needed feeding via a tube. Her ongoing condition meant that her colostomy needed to be re-fashioned and is expected to be permanent. She continues to need care and assistance and has been unable to return to work. We pursued a claim for our client against the defendant hospital, which strongly disputed that the original surgery was negligently performed or that negligent care had caused our client’s injuries. We issued court proceedings and although the defendant maintained their denial of liability, shortly before trial they offered our client £500,000 compensation to settle the claim, which our client accepted. If you have suffered a serious injury or disability as a result of medical negligence and would like to find out more about making a claim, you can talk to one of our specialist solicitors, free and confidentially, by contacting us here.