Boyes Turner’s personal injury lawyers recovered £40,000 in compensation for a man who suffered injuries to his arm and back in a lifting accident at work. The defendant to the claim was our client’s employer who had failed to provide a safe system of work. Our client was a linesman at a factory which was involved with IT disposal and high security data erasure. In the course of his employment, he was required to lift and manoeuvre personal computer equipment including monitors, towers, printers and servers. The items weighed 10-75 kgs each and our client’s work involved lifting them from trolleys onto the conveyor line and off again throughout the day. Our client was lifting computer towers from a trolley about six inches above the floor onto a conveyor line which was about three feet high when he suffered an injury to his back and arm. He suffered a disc prolapse and needed physiotherapy and nerve block injections but was left with ongoing symptoms. Our client was made redundant by the defendant company after the accident. We sent a letter of claim to the defendant company setting out their negligence and breaches of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and Health and Safety legislation. The defendant refused to discuss settlement, so we issued court proceedings. They then admitted liability. We secured judgment and an interim payment for our client. The claim concluded successfully with a £40,000 negotiated settlement.