Our expert asbestosis claims team were instructed by Mr B who was employed as a pipe fitters mate in the early 1960s. During this time he was exposed to substantial quantities of asbestos dust and was subsequently diagnosed with asbestosis which has left him with a respiratory disability. Mr B was employed by the defendant Drake & Scull (Scotland) Ltd as a pipe fitters mate in the early 1960s. During this employment he was exposed to substantial quantities of asbestos dust on a daily basis whilst repairing and replacement pipework in factories. He developed asbestosis as a result has been left with a respiratory disability of 25% due to this condition. There is a risk of an increase in respiratory disability as a result of the development of pleural thickening and/or progressive asbestosis and there are risks of mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer. Proceedings were issued in February 2014 and the case finally settled after Mr B accpeted a Part 36 offer (which is a specific type of settlement agreement) made by the defendant on a provisional damages basis for £40,000 upon the assumption that Mr B will not at a future date develop: mesothelioma; asbestos related lung cancer; progression of asbestosis giving rise to a significant increase in the Claimant's current respiratory disability; development of pleural thickening giving rise to a significant increase in respiratory disability in addition to the Claimant's current respiratory disability.