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Boyes Turner’s medical negligence lawyers secured a £750,000 compensation settlement for a man who was left with impaired mobility, incontinence, sexual dysfunction and neuropathic pain from cauda equina syndrome as a result of medical failure to properly investigate a spinal disc prolapse.

His initial symptoms had included weakness in his right leg, an odd sensation in the ‘saddle area’ and difficulty urinating despite feeling the need to do so.

Following advice from NHS Direct he attended hospital immediately via ambulance.  An x-ray was performed at hospital and reported as normal. He was discharged by a junior doctor and was not given any ‘safety-netting’ advice other than to return if the symptoms did not improve. No other investigations were carried out.

The following day, the symptoms worsened and he experienced loss of sensation in both his bowel and bladder function. He called an ambulance and was taken to hospital. An MRI scan showed a disc prolapse and he underwent surgery to decompress (relieve the pressure on) his spine. 

The hospital admitted they were negligent in failing to suspect cauda equina syndrome and carry out  appropriate investigations. They also admitted that if surgery had been undertaken urgently, the patient would have avoided his neurological dysfunction, and would have retained normal bladder, bowel and sexual function.

The injury affected his ability to return to full time work, drive, socialise or carry out household tasks.  He required assistance from his family and couldn’t walk outdoors without a walking stick. He suffered depression as a result of his injury.

If you have suffered a severe injury as a result of medical negligence and would like to find out more about making a claim, you can talk to one of our solicitors, free and confidentially, by contacting us here.