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Written by Susan Brown

Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy team secured a compensation settlement of £3 million for a client whose cerebral palsy was caused by negligent delays in treating signs of infection shortly after his birth. The avoidable delay in treatment of his neonatal infection resulted in a severe, irreversible injury to his brain and a subsequent diagnosis of cerebral palsy.

We obtained our client’s birth and neonatal medical records and investigated the standard of care that he had received. Based on our medical experts’ evidence, we then pursued a medical negligence compensation claim for our client against the hospital. Court proceedings were issued, but in the lead up to trial, the defendant hospital admitted that our client’s injury had been caused by their staff’s negligent delays in his neonatal treatment.

A negotiated settlement provides our client with compensation of £3 million to help pay for a home that meets his needs arising from his disability and help with additional, professional care.

If you are caring for a child or young adult with cerebral palsy or neurological injury and would like to talk to one of our specialist solicitors, free and confidentially, to find out more about making a medical negligence claim, contact us at