Boyes Turner’s brain injury lawyers secured a substantial settlement for a boy with mild cerebral palsy and four limb dystonia caused by negligent maternity care resulting in a brain injury at birth. During his mother’s labour hospital medical and midwifery staff failed to recognise that the CTG monitor was showing abnormalities in the unborn baby’s (fetal) heart rate indicating fetal distress. As a result of the negligent delay in his delivery, he suffered a hypoxic ischaemic injury to his brain.We served a letter of claim on the defendant hospital, which admitted responsibility for our client’s injuries, enabling us to obtain a liability (fault) judgment. We secured interim payments of over £1.3 million to pay for a suitably adapted home, care, case management, therapies, specialist equipment and SEN support for our client, whilst the court proceedings were adjourned until the young child’s long-term disability and needs could be accurately assessed.A negotiated settlement provided our client with a £3.7 million lump sum and a PPO providing index linked payments for care, case management and Court of Protection costs of up to £153,000pa for the rest of his life.Read more about this case and others on our specialist cerebral palsy website here.If you are caring for a child or young adult with cerebral palsy and would like to talk to one of our specialist solicitors, free and confidentially, to find out more about making a medical negligence claim, contact us at