Boyes Turner’s neonatal brain injury team secured a compensation settlement of £3 million for a boy whose brain was permanently damaged by delayed hospital treatment of meningitis.In the hours following our client’s birth, the obstetric (childbirth) and neonatal staff failed to respond to signs that the baby was suffering from infection. Without urgent antibiotic treatment, our client suffered permanent injury to his brain from the inflammation of the protective membranes (meninges) surrounding his brain. This inflammation, which occurs in response to infection, is known as meningitis. It is particularly dangerous for newborn babies whose undeveloped immune systems are unable to fight off common infections. Our client was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy.We agreed to help the child’s family pursue a medical negligence claim against the hospital for compensation for their son’s injury. We investigated our client’s treatment and put the claim to the defendant hospital. We then issued court proceedings. The hospital accepted that our client’s neonatal care had been negligent and that if correct care had been given, his permanent injury and disability from cerebral palsy would have been avoided.With liability (fault) admitted, we were able to obtain an interim (advance) payment to help meet his immediate needs for care and suitable adapted accommodation. The claim continued and, once our client’s long-term needs and the value of the claim had been fully assessed, final settlement was reached at a sum exceeding £3 million.If you are caring for a child or young adult with cerebral palsy or neurological injury and would like to talk to one of our specialist solicitors, free and confidentially, to find out more about making a medical negligence claim, contact us at