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Written by Susan Brown

The impact of a delay in diagnosis of cervical cancer can be life changing for all involved – for the individual undergoing treatment, and for their family and friends who support them and provide care and assistance during their recovery. 

At Boyes Turner we are aware of not only the long-term effects a delay in diagnosis of cervical cancer can have but of the restricting effects of its treatment - from fatigue and the acute pain of primary treatment to its long standing psychological and physical effects.  

A previous client of Boyes Turner has described her journey through brachytherapy (internal radiotherapy) and chemotherapy and the long-lasting effects of the treatment on her.

In the difficult time following a diagnosis of cancer which has been caused by negligent medical delays, it can be hard to decide whether to make a claim for compensation. Everyone’s circumstances are different and the best way to find out is to talk it through, confidentially and at no cost, with one of our experienced and understanding specialist solicitors.

Generally speaking, there might be several good reasons for pursuing a claim.

  • Following a delay in diagnosis, an individual might require specialist treatment, ongoing medication, or specific aids and equipment. The exact nature of the injury will often determine exactly what treatment requirements will be. Where liability for the delay has been admitted a claim, even in the early interim stages, can help meet these additional costs.
  • People who are undergoing cancer treatment often require care and assistance with their day to day living. This can carry on even after they have been cleared of cancer, especially in cervical cancer cases where there can be longstanding after-effects from the treatment. A successful legal claim will allow for a sum of money to compensate the carer for the care and assistance provided to date and may provide for such future care as is necessary.
  • Many people often find themselves having to reduce their working hours, either temporarily during their treatment period, or permanently if there are ongoing symptoms. We can help recover lost earnings to reduce worry about financial hardship.
  • In cases where cervical cancer results in a fatality, bereaved families may suffer extreme hardship from the loss of their former loved one’s income. Even if the deceased mother didn't work, her loss will be greatly felt by her dependant family. Whilst nothing can adequately replace the loss of a mother or wife, compensation to help with household services can help keep family life running at this difficult time.

If you or a family member have suffered serious injury as a result of delayed diagnosis of cancer call our specialist medical negligence solicitors by email